The Repose Babynest is an adaptation of the Repose pressure ulcer prevention and treatment concept but is specifically aimed at reducing pressure ulcer formation during the first stages of a preterm infant’s life.
The inability for premature infants to support their limbs can result in a range of developmental complications. The Repose Babynest aims to assist in the reduction of these issues.
The Repose Babynest consists of a base mattress with an additional air filled border along the foot end of the product. These borders act as developmental boundaries that help with nesting the infant with or without additional padding (for example cotton sheeting). This also provides a safe and secure environment which has been suggested to promote positive response in neonatal growth and development.
Repose products provide effective pressure redistribution for all people at risk of developing pressure ulcers, including those assessed as very high risk. Repose is also appropriate for users with pressure related tissue damage – clinical supervision is advised where the damage is severe.
Repose is not suitable for the following:
Persons weighing in excess of 139kg
Persons with unstable spinal fractures
Where body shape is such that the person cannot be fully supported by the Repose mattress overlay or cushion