Repose Pediatric Mattress Overlay and Pump by Joerns
The Repose Paediatric Mattress Overlay was developed specifically at the request of the Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children in London and is now widely used in other children’s units.
The product is sized to fit the majority of paediatric bed frames and mattresses. Suitable for use in both acute and community settings.
Repose products provide effective pressure redistribution for all people at risk of developing pressure ulcers, including those assessed as very high risk. Repose is also appropriate for users with pressure related tissue damage – clinical supervision is advised where the damage is severe.
Repose is not suitable for the following:
Persons weighing in excess of 139kg
Persons with unstable spinal fractures
Where body shape is such that the person cannot be fully supported by the Repose mattress overlay or cushion